Shamanic Wisdom Walks
Intuitive Guidance
for Authentic, Wise Leadership
Learn to Walk Between Worlds
Did you know that when we ask the natural world questions, more often than not we are given an answer?
Would you enjoy enhancing your intuitive skills so you can map these over to use creatively in your business?
Would you like to arrange something extra special for your next team development activity?
Or would you like to have a private mentoring session, supported by the wisdom of the Natural World, to explore an important vision?
Shamanic Wisdom Walks are filled with mystery and magic and allow you to see, think and co-create in spaces beyond the visible world, and beyond your imagination.
Origin Story
The Mountain Called Me
More than 20 years ago, when I was living in the country with my family, raising three young children, I used to drive across the range and up the coast to Noosa during holidays to visit my mother. We would pass the Glasshouse Mountains in the Sunshine Coast hinterlands and each time I would hear the spirit of the closest mountain, Mt Tibrogargen, call out to me and ask me to visit.
Eventually one day I did visit the mountain, and was delighted to discover a magical, mystical world. The mountain spirit whispered his wisdom to me and guided me into the worlds between the tangible physical world. There I would receive messages and support from the mountain and nature to assist me on my journey, and to guide me developing my shamanic practice.
Eventually the mountain spirit convinced me to bring a group of people with me, and teach them how to walk in the worlds between this world. Soon after Shamanic Wisdom Walks were born.
I have taken hundreds of people on these walks since that time, many from corporate and small business arenas searching for an escape from the city, and some restoration in nature. And people who run small businesses. The bonus for them has been that the walk away feeling like a huge gateway has been open that they can now walk through and immediately feel supported and guided.
A few years ago I teamed up with a colleague and good friend of mine Josie Thomson, and we began to take people on walks together from time to time.
Josie is cancer survivor , a multi-award winning coach, international speak and author. When we combine our gifts, magic happens. There is more about Josie and these walks as you read on.
There have been many occasions when I have offered individual walks to people, and essentially they join for for one or more of the following quests. They may be:
- Seeking answers for problems solving a persisting issue.
- Needing healing in one or more areas of their life.
- Wishing to connect more with their spirit, and the spirits found in Inner Worlds, learning how to listen to and read messages and signs.
- Looking to spend time, immerse and restore in nature, connecting with its beauty and healing powers while harnessing its life force energy.
- Those curious who wish to discover more about the gifts that come from walking with awareness of the shamanic way.
Recently, I have move to live half an hour away from this beautiful mountain and it's surrounding mountain family. It has brought great peace knowing my mountain family is close.
The mountain continues to whisper to and call me, and of course I listen well.
Are you ready to take your clients and customers with you on a journey of awakening? These walks will assist you to develop intuitive skills toward this goal. Or, take them on the walk with you!
If you have found your way here, I imagine you are a leader industry, corporate, small business or community.
If you are a conscious leader, aware of worldly matters, you will be aware that the time of the Lone Wolf is over. We have entered a new stage of Co-creation, where we unite, collaborate and work together. This is necessary to assist the future wellbeing of humanity. Some might suggest even the survival, but that is not what has been whispered and shown to me. There is much to be hopeful for ahead, patiently waiting for you to step into.
If you decide to take a private walk with me, or to bring your team with you, you can look forward to quite and adventure. I remember taking a group of eighteen or so farmers and graziers in Central Queensland on a walk in 2012. They were a progressive group and had hired me to assist them to tap into a deeper consciousness in order to guide and support their already thriving businesses. They loved the Shamanic Wisdom Walk and were all surprised that they had spent so much time in the bush, and had more to discover about its mystery and innate wisdom.
They reminded me of a kaleidoscope of beautiful butterflies who had been awakened from a long sleep in their blissful cocoon. They were truly ready after the walk to stretch out their curled wings and fly free, sharing their spirit medicine of Transformation with the world.

On these walks, you will...
The walks generally take two and a half hours for one person, and you can add ten minutes or so for each extra person who attend. It is not always the same circumstance bringing you together, and therefore the format may change. Here is a general guide as to what to expect:
β You will be introduced to a very brief overview of teachings of The Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness, through weaving it into conversations. This map is a blueprint of your operating system and your potential as your Whole Self. It places all the major areas of who you are in four directions across your board, in the East, North, West and South. These represent your Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual aspects and intelligence that assist to exist in the world as your Whole Self. There are four other directions or 'worlds' on the map that support you on the journey. These greatly support you but are less known about and are not as visible or necessarily part of your conscious knowing. They are the Worlds Below, Above, Within and Without.
β Self-enquiry and Measurement: We generally explore the SCMC to discover the intention for the walk, or this naturally arises but could change. You may also know this and plan it with me ahead. Your intention might be for building tolerance or resilience in teams for instance, however the theme that arise may be developing presence and learning to listen with compassion.
β Ritual and Ceremony: The fun begins when you arrive, and even more so when you realise the joy that comes from retrieving your Sacred Self. I am sure you won't be surprised that you have one. Creating time for moments of sacredness is a major key to long lasting joy and happiness.
β Clarifying Long and Short term Visions, Goals, Steps and Actions: There is always space fo vision and harnessing wisdom for future pathways on these walks. Be sure to bring your phone or a notebook to record the many gems of wisdom that will be revealed.
β Learning to Look Out For Signs and Synchronicity: You will be totally stretched and amazed by this experience.
The outcomes you can anticipate include:
- You will develop a broader perspective of who you are and who you can become when you unify your natural gifts with those you fine in Nature, guided by an ancient map of wisdom.
- You will have a greater realisation of your World Within, and strengthen the voice of your Wise Inner Guide.
- What may be resisting your path may surface, contained by the healing forces of nature, which will assist you to transform this resistance into new energy and find new ways to move forward.
- You will enjoy a creative, joyful and memorable experience.
- You will develop a greater sense of being a part of Nature and The Whole of existence.
I love this description by a dear friend, then student of SPP, who attended my very first Shamanic Wisdom Walk of seven people.
"As I sat waiting, a couple of kookaburras were also present busily pursuing insects at the picnic site. Kookaburra represents a sign of healing the self. Finally seven of us were present, a number significant to Heather, who teaches us to continually observe & interpret the signs.
You just need to stop and feel the energy of this place, it is palpable.
Wherever you are in nature’s temples, observe and trust whatever comes up: ideas; thoughts; feelings. Observe the animals & other signs of spirit. It might not make sense immediately but will fall into place. Welcome to spirit."
Maree Kordonsky
Louisa from Passion Harvest shares here experience of taking a Shamanic Wisdom Walk with Heather.

A Spirited Story
The words which best could describe the experience was connection, sharing. It was like an invitation to enter into the sacredness of the whole place. We may use the word “initiation” or entering into a new space where symbols, mysteries, legends, tales could be sensed.
Everyone was able to lead the group until a specific chosen spot which had quite interesting meaning for everyone... it was fascinating to see some connecting treat each time. We used different words or expression but the essence came always from the one centre of living life integrating each one and the whole group in the present moment.
It was a peaceful, joyful and holy experience which remain us of the simplicity of the cyclic life in which we are all living, moving and have in our being.
Jocelyn Largh

A Spirited Story
I had the privilege of experiencing a Shamanic Walk with Heather Price in 2020.
The journey enabled me to understand and respect the natural world and align with aspects of myself that seemed to have been hidden for so long.
I experienced a deepening level of consciousness and I was able to grasp in greater depth the concepts of fear and love, which I was then able to weave into my life and explore themes that had held me back and transform them into strengths both personally and professionally.
Luisa, Director Passion Harvest
Offering Two
Authentic Wisdom Walks (AWW) for Groups with Josie and Heather
This offering by two experienced guides, is only available in Brisbane.
Authentic Wisdom Walks (AWW) are guided by shamanic wisdom teacher and guide, Heather Price, and executive coach and mentor, Josie Thomson. They bring their unique gifts together to inspire participants to stretch and grow beyond belief. The theme of the walk is Trust and Abundance.
There is Always Enough, when you are truly ready for it! So Get Ready!
In this world of competition, it's no surprise that the number one stressor and cause of worry is our preoccupation with being or having or doing 'enough'!
In this carefully designed AWE walk experience, Heather and Josie will lead you through a discussion and then an experience of what life could be like when you genuinely embrace all of who you are to believe and live as BEing more than enough.
If you're interested in shedding your insecurities, self doubts, second guessing and embracing a new reality filled with possibility of delight and opportunities to embrace and experience all that life has to offer, then I would love for you to join me on this inspiring and revealing AWE Walk.
Want more joy?
Want more time?
Want more fulfilment?
Want more love?
Then this AWE walk is for YOU!
"For the first time, I placed no expectations upon myself, or questioned why I was feeling this way. It was as it was...
The words that came to me last night, were a perfect summary of my day today.
βTo be fully present with oneself and nature is an incredible feeling, and now to bring these lessons into everyday life."
Tamika Peterson, June AWE Walk, 2016.
About Your Guest Facilitator Josie Thomson
Josie Thomson combines fifteen years of corporate experience with BHP Minerals and Coal, and almost 2 decades of coaching to corporate executives, entrepreneurs and community leaders globally. She is a multi-award winning coach, speaker, trainer, mentor, author, single mother and two-time cancer survivor. Josie has consulted with private and corporate client companies world-wide. She is Ambassador for Childhood Cancer Support and has completed masters studies in Neuroscience of Leadership. Josie was awarded International Gold Stevie Award for Maverick of the Year (Difference Maker) for 2014, The Women In Business Coach/Mentor of the Year 2014 Silver Award in New York City, and is a former Telstra Business Woman of the Year Finalist. Combining personal experience, passion for enhancing human potential and her studies, Josie shares exciting scientific advances and will provide you with answers and tools to increase your own capacity for heart-based intimacy and fostering greater safety for intimacy with others. You can discover more about Josie at
Key benefits from these walks...
- You will learn how to respectfully and intuitively walk on the land, in the worlds between worlds, conscious of the nature spirits guiding you.
- An expansion of possibility and confidence as you realise that you are truly connected to the Natural World and can take any questions into the World Between Worlds and find your answer.
- Tremendous, moments of joy and inspiration.
- The satisfaction that comes from taking a risk and doing something truly different and loving it!
Frequently Asked Question 1
Frequently Asked Question 2
Frequently Asked Question 3
Frequently Asked Question 4
Your Investment as a Corporate or Small Business Operator
The cost of Shamanic Wisdom Walks depends on the number of people who walk with you. When you register you will be asked to give details and will be notified of the cost.
The Authentic Wisdom Walks have a higher cost as they are run by two facilitators. Cost also depends on numbers. When you register you will be asked to give details and will be notified of the cost.
Generally speaking, corporate rates for group work are at $2000 a day for 6.5 - 8 hours, including time for breaks.
Small business rates are usually $1700 for a day for for 6.5 - 8 hours, including time for breaks.
Individual rates for professional and personal development are $250 an hour.
Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.